Tuesday, March 31, 2020

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark ..............?

i went out last nite & was amazed, there were stars
the same thing happened the nite before
is it coz the air is less polluted due to the lockdown?
what's weird was i been to places starting december & never saw the same number of stars in all the places i've been

can't even recall last time i went star gazing
i think it was after college
some from my block went out to batangas
we spent the nite in a beach
i had my sleeping bag near a tree coz i didn't want the coconut to fall one me
that nite was memorable coz it's the 1st & only nite [i think] that i slept in a sleeping bag, in a beach
as the sun slowly awoke me w/ its heat i tend to wonder, must i have placed myself under a tree so i can sleep longer?
sleeping near the shoreline [for fear i might float at sea as i slumber if i was too close to the water] was better since the stars entertained me as i fell asleep?

Thursday, March 26, 2020







Thursday, March 19, 2020