Thursday, March 5, 2020


as the term connotes, these are fictitious things. like gossip, if we tell a lie big enough, people might even believe it. specially if coming from false teachers / leaders. we all know everyone has an agenda, good & bad. sadly, they're done at our expense. as they say, 'the road to hell is paved w/ good intentions'. the end never justifies the means. very grieving some, if not most, use bullying, manipulation to get what they want. either due to insecurity, or they don't know how to have moral authority, instead of fixing their integrity. if we don't have discernment, we'll be easily fooled coz we gave benefit of the doubt & trust, or feared what they'll do to us if we don't obey knowing what they're capable of. as former 1st lady eleanor roosevelt once said 'great people talk about ideas, good people talk about experiences, average people talk about others'

we red iliad in school & after that, brought me to others like odyssey etc.
was even dismayed after watching Troy, but we all know movies need to make cash even if some stuff aren't written in the book but shown in the film.

after understanding what the bible says, w/ an opened mind, either they're nephilim or fallen angels who loved to steal our attention instead of giving it to Him. who won't be drawn to them, they pleased my favorite sin, w/c by grace has been controlled starting 2012

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