Thursday, February 27, 2020

10t+ ft. pt. 2 if u cant open it

this is the 1st time i climbed a mountain, i had no training etc.
it was all spur of the moment, i went with my spontaneous side & did it. i wouldn't be able to see this view had i stopped. i wasn't only speechless w/ the view but also coz i'm tired & parched. what kept me going was my good friend trebs homoroc llarena. i asked him before if i was fit to hike, he told me i was as fit as an ox. using it as motivation over all who discourage, manipulated, bullied me. just imagine what we can accomplish had we not allowed ourselves to be corrupted by emotional, toxic, difficult people who think they're always right & perfect, even if they say they're 'leaders'.
the effort going up maybe longer than the time i stayed basking in this God created site, yet it was worth it. i didn't brought my mom knowing she complains after walking a few feet, more so w/o gear, water, food, training, map, physical capability, & mostly the snow terrain






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