Tuesday, April 7, 2020

with love he gave his life so we could be free the savior of the ..................

i would like to honor all who died in bataan, specially the death march. walking under the scorching heat of the sun during summer, wounded, bleeding, having diseases, dehydrated, hungry, exhausted, tortured, dropping dead on the side of the road, for hundreds of kms. isn't easy. we all know that capes isn't essential in saving, fighting for our loved ones even our country. whether they fought foreign oppressors, or simply those in the front line risking their lives to save us, like the ongoing pandemic. something we could have avoided if only the ban entering our country was done earlier but as they say, regret happens only in the end.

but of all these brave people, i would like to honor a neglected man, who tried to save a lot, yet was rejected til now. maybe coz his parents weren't rich, they didn't had a car, they'd walk even for hundreds of miles just to travel going to a place. his mom didn't had an obgyne to care for her, no usual visits to see how she was doing while pregnant. he wasn't born in a hospital, not even a clinic. he had half-siblings, nothing was written if he had friends back then, just imagine the ridicule he suffered growing up, yet he was submissive to his parents. as a man he owned nothing, yet people envied him specially the leaders, maybe due to his moral authority & integrity unlike them who use manipulation, favoritism, legalism, fear. even those close to him deserted & denied him. they even brought false witnesses against him, but their corroboration failed. he was on trial w/ mock juries, sentenced to death w/o anyone to defend him like a lawyer. if that wasn't enough, they humiliated him by spitting on him, beating him up so badly he was bleeding, disfigured to the point that no one can recognized him. as he was naked, drenched in spit, sweat, blood, exhausted from all the blows he received, he was put to death. he was forced to drag himself while carrying something heavy to the place where he'd be executed, died like a criminal. he was buried w/o any wake or funeral services. but after 3 days he was the only one to rise from the dead & ascend to heaven. His name is Jesus & is coming soon, but what is that to u?

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