Wednesday, July 29, 2020

san fo city hall

 I'm so blessed their country can afford to put real gold in the construction parts of their city hall. it’s also a blessing to see couples getting married here daily, not being emotional focusing on a single day event like a wedding but hopefully a lasting marriage




Thursday, July 23, 2020

10t+ ft.

u can hear the power of God created wind all around. tried looking through the digicam the places I'd like to go to. starting from the base since i didn't had a map & it was my 1st time, i followed what logic told me to do to get to where i wanted to be, w/c was go straight. it was only a few mins. but those mins. were like forever. had no water to quench my parched lips. no food to revitalize me. was going against gravity & the weather wasn't helpful. even a leather jacket though can keep me warm, was inappropriate since i was doing a physical activity. even wanted to take it off, but would add difficulty w/ the challenge that lies before me. i was tired & scared i would get frost bite, i said to myself, this isn't worth it, to have a piece of my body to be amputated just because i wanted to reach the top of a mountain. what i did, instead of walking through snow w/c will submerge my already numb wet feet, i looked for solid objects that i could stand on, like rocks, trees, etc. though was helpful, still gave me a wound in my ankle, w/c i only saw after i tried to dry my snow drenched socks in a log i rested on, as in literally removing them, then squeezing them of water. i took pix of where i stopped when i took this vid, but wasn't able to see where they went. the sun would set by 4pm, would be dark by 5, it was pass 2 i think & didn't want mom to worry. there was no signal all over the mountain, can't recall if my battery was almost drained, wasn't even able to have it on roaming. was thinking should i proceed, or return. good thing i continued & after a while, i finally saw the 3rd look out point. there was a couple having a picnic so i asked permission if i could pee coz i really needed to go. they were kind enough to allow me, so i quickly removed my jacket coz i was sweating beneath it, turned around, then peed on the side of the mountain. after relieving myself, i felt vigor coz finally i saw the trail, i went back to the 1st 2 look out points only to be disappointed since i already saw the 3rd point. since time was against me, i hurried to the 4th & 5th spots. didn't tried to climb anymore the rocks above me for fear of falling over board on the 5th spot. it was a true test of will. will i give in & stop, or like what i always do, despite, the traffic, flood, storm, hurdles that comes my way, i will pursue




Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ginseng B.B.Q

Even if we had dinner already, w/c I will post soon where it was, mom knew my appetite so she invited me to eat. Looking at her choices, I suggested we’d go for Samgyeopsal since the price isn’t that far from her choice. Upon entering I quickly asked for a lot of trays of meat since I've tried it a lot back home. Noticing their service, whatever country I've tried it, they’re always slow in giving patrons their requests, even as I try to fill myself w/ their anchovy & fish cakes. After more than an hour, mom was shocked that I was still ordering meat despite numerous trays being given us & it’s almost midnight. As for me, I wasn’t even feeling anything in my tummy, like what I ate were just appetizers. So trying to appease her coz I wouldn’t want to be shit tested again before sleeping, I tried hard to fill up with what I had. Funny part though, after arriving in our room, I didn’t had a hard time sleeping, even slept like a baby for more than 8 hrs. w/c wasn’t usual for me

what most don’t know is I drink avg to help me w/ various reasons. It helped my ex w/ her amoebiasis. If I have a gig the following day & I'm sick, it’s what I would prefer using. It helps me w/ my physique & metabolism coz I burn more than I eat due to all it’s content like amino acids w/c might only be understood by health buffs like me or those working out in & out of the gym. Though it’s made in the U.S., I haven’t even seen any other product like it either in countries like Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, etc. even if they have distributors there




Thursday, July 9, 2020

SAN DIEGO downtown

mom likes socks

it's a blessing to see historical places being kept. most will just demolish it & build new stuff w/c what most of u do, instead of trying to fix it





Thursday, July 2, 2020

snow angel

it's better if snow is at least 2ft. high, otherwise it won't show that much


