Thursday, September 3, 2020

San Diego Museum of Man

 i find it weird there was an exhibit ongoing at the time & it was about Human cannibalism, people were actually flocking into it. Yes it happened during times when food is scarce like places where they're being besieged by others, yet what's eerie was that it seemed interesting to them w/c was something we as humans hopefully must be avoiding

nevertheless, in a way, most of us are cannibals we’re too blind, callous, proud to admit. We see it by being insecure, emotional, immature, manipulative, bully, shit-test, gossip, slander, lie to say the least. sadly, we suffer not only here as a result but eternally. Like those who will be barren, there was a choice yet they chose poorly. what’s worst, most become spinsters since most will choose fertility since most still prefer having kids. On the bright side, the unborn are blessed to avoid hopeful moms who decide badly. Same w/ men, not to suffer married to insecure girls

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