Thursday, August 13, 2020

10:39 pm mar. 2 ‘16

Have u prayed so much about a person that though it's not idolatry, all u can think of is being blessed with a moment to just talk to such person and spend quality time?
Time which though have been hours already, merely seems like seconds, as if time stood still
Hoping that time would stop forever coz parting is such sweet sorrow
Then once again praying for another chance that such rendezvous would be repeated
That despite such an encounter might never occur, still you're blessed to have such a phenomenon happen, even if it was just a once in a lifetime opportunity
For a glimpse would elate u, be taken to a different dimension, transcend to a higher level, a place beyond comprehension, wherever time and space is irrelevant
A gaze would put u in awe; in wonder, perplexed and dazzled on how such a masterpiece, a work of art was created
Finally stumbles upon such beauty and splendor u get tongue-tied, speechless
Though you’ve been practicing what to say when such a chance would pass by, as u toss and turn trying hard to fall asleep at night, none such words are uttered
For all u can muster with your breathe is just to adore at the sight before u and stand still
Trying to refrain from taking a glance in the eyes, unless you're ready to be mesmerized or hypnotized
Even attempting to gaze upon a smile, and be swept away as if adrift in the clouds, floating and wandering in a sea of ecstasy and euphoria
U feel your heart pounding, beating, as if it wants to break free from your chest
But then u also feel it stopping, as if glued to a wall, frozen in time, seeing yourself from afar, yet can barely move
U feel like drowning, sinking, u can't even breathe, gasping for air, coz the moment just takes your breath away
Keeping your hands to yourself, knowing that a contact with such magnificence would not only be electrifying, but a stain to the purity well guarded and kept in such a pristine order
Just like the feeling when u become intimate with Him
It can be intoxicating and bewildering

it’s the only note I was able to recover from my hacked fb, so blessed I miraculously saved it in an old phone. My hacker my try to erase all proof that I ever existed & even if they succeed, judgment day awaits us all

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