Monday, December 28, 2020

union square

 For me, shopping capital of San fo. Most bourgeois shops are here like lv Gucci etc. can’t recall seeing Hermes 




Tuesday, December 22, 2020

12 20 2020


They say getting physical is bad specially nowadays yet considering my vow of no masturbation porn sex since 2012 hasn't been broken I'd say I'd rather take my chances. It's a fact that if our time is up no matter what we do it's inevitable. I try to live by faith and I'm so bored I haven't gone out as much as I want to since there is no where to go nor people to visit ever since March so I think we're OK considering the weird part though was having a 34 body temp. for the 1st time & I'm still blogging #LifeWithAPurpose #LetsMakeNewMemories #WhereNext?

Thursday, December 17, 2020

coronado hotel's past


guests ranges from VIP's, celebrities, presidents, etc. a home away from home specially since it's a summer hotel to escape snow & the weather




Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020

coronado hotel beach front

1 of the poshest beach fronts i’ve been. it’s like an exclusive beach in bora where only guests can go except it’s public, no cheap stores like station 3 of bora nor a mall @ the middle like station 2 & the sand is so fine. They also have a resto & bar beside the shore, comparing it w/ regency in bora, I recall having dinner buffet in the latter w/c my friend treated me. While I was trying to enjoy their simple buffet, an employee noticed I was topless & I think tried to stop me/us from dining w/c they could’ve done before we said yes to trying their buffet. I said we were walking along the beach w/c I usually do there so it’s impossible to currently get a top . Another employee gave me a towel to pacify the other’s complaint knowing there were few patrons despite being peak season at the time as I recall w/ them needing customers since mostly go to the mall etc. to eat. So bet. Coronado & regency as for me, the former is obviously bigger & better than the latter


