Thursday, July 18, 2019

puerto galera

how is it in puerto galera?
is it still rocky like my last trip?
is it white sand as a friend would say?

i recall trying to do a lap, as i slowly walk in the shore with small rocks roughly touching my feet, i started to swim to exercise my body, then upon reaching a deep part i began heading back to shore. i noticed, as i was trying to reach the area where i started to swim earlier, i felt the water holding me back. even as i tried standing, its grip on me along with its strong waves wont let me go. i even felt a 360 degree turn as i gasp for air. by grace, someone grabbed me & pulled me out of the water, otherwise, i would have drowned that day. as i tried vomiting the water i swallowed as i was still stuck in the water, i think i even kissed those rocky shore for my gratefulness being out of it & alive. hopefully, the next time wont be as bitter as before ..........

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