Thursday, May 7, 2020

'the heat is on ...................'

hello little fellow

what's the fuss abt. snow?

Can’t believe 1st time I'll be seeing snow, I have my mom to cherish it w/. yes it’s always exciting at 1st but once you’re used to it, snow is actually burdensome. Growing up & living in a hot tropical country, it’s common people would always be ‘dreaming of a white Christmas’, but for those who grew up w/ it, it’s actually hard when it’s freezing. I've never heard of a hot bite, but people’s body parts get amputated w/ frost bite. Going out can be slippery both on foot or driving. Just imagine car accidents on a rise when trikes, cabs, jeeps, trucks, specially buses go pinball, bumper cars on the rod when they start to slide & skid upon applying brakes w/ their old worn out tires. Depression also kicks in during winter w/c also promotes suicides. For most families financially speaking, they even choose bet. Buying food or keeping their places warmer w/ heat. Imagine a lot of illegal settlers’ roofs falling due to the weight of thick snow falling on them. Even the homeless trying to produce heat as they look for places just to keep warm. Yes snow can be fun, but for all the poor families living it 24/7, it’s still a blessing to live where I am.

Happy mother’s day to my mom & all the unappreciated abandoned moms out there. Like Christmas, why only think abt. Moms once a year? They bore us like 9-10mos., we at least owe them that much




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