Thursday, October 29, 2020

Vikings during covid


this was my face last year, i look sadder now w/ the awful difference they have now

if you’ve eaten here before April, you’ll know that it used to be fun here. They usually have themes like video game characters etc. but lately it has been sad. Yes I don’t miss the marketplace feel of it despite its ambiance eating buffet outside hotels like spiral etc. I also don’t yearn mostly missing out on salmon, etc. sashimi & shrimp tempura wherein either you mostly see them gone or when they’re abt. To be served people just get all of it or if they don’t they’ll just leave a piece or 2 as if it’s the only time they can eat them. I also don’t look for waiting in line or our name to be called just to get in & the crowd outside is a foretaste of the chaos upon getting food w/c is always like a contests but only see most people getting food either coz they just wanna try them or its presented well but won’t really consume them w/c normally wastes a lot. What I miss is actually getting food myself w/c can’t be done lately due to health reasons w/c are understandable, but what they failed to do is not make us wait for like half an hour before we even get our drinks. Yes business wise they need to lessen staff due to decrease in patrons, but a simple drink suspense for like 30 mins. w/c is only a few feet away is absurd. If you think that’s funny, try ordering food. 1st you need a smart phone to do so since everything’s online. 2nd it has to be smart enough w/ big GB enough to upload viber [side note, how many GB do we really need?] 3rd either your battery has to be full or you have power bank w/ you since since 4th they don’t have WiFi, you need to have data enough to last you 3 hours making orders. 5th trying to be full / satisfied on shorter buffet time unlike before is hard considering waiting 2 of your orders w/in an hour is pathetic. I'll understand if it’s like a 9 course Michelin star meal but it’s not. 6Th, they don’t have pictures of the food on the viber menu w/c sucks coz I normally just return to where I usually get them not realizing I had to memorize their names unless they’re what I usually eat in other restos. 7Th, trying to be happy eating a salad from a shot glass or saucer isn’t funny when I normally fill my plate w/ the dressing I choose regardless if it’s not the normal add on to it. The only recourse was to eat what some of my friends were having since they’re the typical people who had lots of leftovers even if I don’t usually consume what they had since I can eat them elsewhere & be filled w/ it. 8Th, there were even times were my order arrives more than an hour, worst, when I'm abt. To leave & since I need to at least be satisfied w/ my meal, I had to fill up on deserts on my desperate effort not to waste my time w/ a lousy buffet. After indulging on 2-3 plates of sweets they had from cakes etc. I had to end w/ ice cream w/c I rarely do since I normally use 9 plates every buffet & all the protein load I did only gives me 2-4 plates for deserts excluding ice cream but this time was different & like I said, I was getting desperate. Overall, if this is the same set up w/ all buffets due to covid, I won’t be surprised if a lot of them will close due to poor overall service. Yes it’s sad a lot will be unemployed since the owners are losing money too. The only good thing that happened was it became peaceful inside buffet restos maintaining their elegant ambiances but let’s admit it, I didn’t chose a buffet due to resto aesthetics, I came there to eat & be filled period. So unless the same self-service style buffet since I wanna be considerate to waiters & don’t bother them is what they have, they bother looking for me, I won’t consider dining there

the best part abt. Never thinking the amount of food I take is due to my great metabolism w/c I'm thankful & blessed for the contents of the yellow bottle. burning more than I take, I never even count calories, 2 things most people specially over-weights / obese may never be blessed w/



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